GeoExt and OpenLayers - Zoom Mode

Just playing around with GeoExt and OpenLayers, I figured out how to easily change the control to a zoom rectangle with minimal changes:

First create the normal and the custom control with:


// javascript var inZoom = false; var navigation = new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation(); var ZoomBoxNav = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control.Navigation, { zoomBoxKeyMask: null // this ensures that a box is always drawn }); var zoomBox = new ZoomBoxNav();

<p>Then all you need is a button or better Action object, which adds the appropriate control to the map:</p>

// javascript
var toggleRectZoom = function() {
  if (inZoom) {
    inZoom = false;
  } else {
    inZoom = true;

zoomButton = new GeoExt.Action({
  text: 'Zoom Mode',
  handler: function() {
    if (inZoom) {
      zoomButton.setText('Zoom Mode');
    } else {
      zoomButton.setText('Pan Mode');

toolBar = new Ext.Toolbar({
  items: [ zoomButton ]
mapPanel = new GeoExt.MapPanel({
  border: true,
  region: "center",
  // we do not want all overlays, to try the OverlayLayerContainer
  map: map,
  center: [172.1569825, -42.6109735],
  zoom: 6,
  layers: myLayers,
  tbar: toolBar